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On-line Express Training
Videos and Certification Program
for Community Foundations

Community foundations are unique organizations... Navigating everything your community foundation can do and how it all fits together can be challenging.

  • Have you ever worried about the risks and responsibilities of managing a community's legacy?
  • Have you wondered about your role as a board member and how to optimize your impact?
  • Do your new employees and/or your new board members need and deserve a faster learning curve?
  • Did you ever wish there was a comprehensive, trusted training tool that helped your community foundation establish a sound basis for greater success?
  • Have you ever wanted to be more cost effective and efficient with the ongoing challenge of educating new board members and staff?

The on going cycle of educating new board members and staff can be challenging and costly! See motivation snippets.

To support community foundations, the Kansas Association of Community Foundations* has developed the first-of-its-kind series of affordable On-line Express Training Videos and Certification Program for communities of all sizes anywhere in America.

15-module series

This fast-paced flexible training and certificate program focuses on core essentials and seeks to increase understanding and, consequently, the effectiveness of community foundations and affiliates. The 15-module series covers nearly every aspect of community foundation work: from asset development and quality grants programs design to fiduciary and policy matters. These videos offer a great start to new board members and staff alike. It is also a great opportunity to review and reflect deeper as a group of new and seasoned community foundation practitioners. Watch a preview.

We have captured years of experience and condensed them into short videos presented by renowned practitioners who have helped community foundations of various sizes, geographic, and cultural challenges grow. Meet the speakers.

Easy-to-navigate short modules may be viewed in any order with 24-hour-access from the comfort of a home or an office, in private, or as a group board training. Stop, pause, and resume at your choosing!

Board members and staff who register and complete all 15 modules independently may earn a certification of completion. View all certified individuals.

Make a "gift" to your
community by investing in
the On-Line Training:

Individual License:

$250 per Individual

$150 KACF Member Rate per Individual

Individual license includes Certificate upon successful completion and a Digital Badge; individuals will be listed in the Certification Registry.

Community Foundation License:

$2,500 Non-KACF-Member license per community foundation+ $600 annual renewal

$1,500 KACF Member license per community foundation + $300 annual renewal

Community Foundation license provides a group access; videos can be used at board meetings or other board training events; community foundations may consider making a grant to themselves or pay for the license as part of the training and professional development budget; no certificate of completion will be issued to individuals but a community foundation will be listed in the participants’ registry and a digital badge will be issued to participating community foundation; should a foundation decide not to renew the license in a particular year it would be required to pay the full rate again to get back into the rotation.

View all certified individuals and participating community foundations.

Register & Start

"KACF has made a huge contribution to the community foundation field with CF Express Training videos. A product like this has been needed for long time. The videos are full of very important information presented in very accessible format."

- Rosemary Dorsa, Vice President, Indiana Philanthropy Alliance.

"We presented the first module of the training at our board meeting and all board members - from those who started the community foundation to those who were just elected - were enthusiastic about it. The conversation it started among board members was fantastic and they are looking forward to viewing the modules on their own and coming ready to discuss what they learned with each other as a standing item on our board agenda. One of the newest board members volunteered to lead the discussions. One of our founders remarked that he wished these had been available when he and two other community members were forming the community foundation - would have made it a lot easier. Thank you for providing these important training tools."

- Amy Skilbred, Executive Direction, Juneau Community Foundation, Alaska.

*KACF thanks the Kansas Health Foundation, Sprout Communications, Steve Alley and Ekstrom Alley Clontz & Associates, Judy Sjostedt (Parkersburg Area Community Foundation and Affiliates), MCI authorities, Noah Roberts and Jenni Leiste web and graphic design team, Shirley Antes (Emporia Community Foundation), the Kansas Association of Community Foundations' Board and Members, C.S. Mott Foundation, the Annual National Conference for Growing Community Foundations, Ridgway White, Sarah Owen, Sandi Vidal, Andrea Dicks, Tracey Vavrek, Nelson I. Colón, Allie Moise, Katie Leone, and Nick Deychakiwsky.

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